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How accurate is MrBeast’s squid game video compared to the real Squid Game show? Today, we’re basically comparing the MrBeast Squid Game to the Netflix Version.

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve seen MrBeast’s YouTube version of Squid Game. It’s gotten over 100 million views in 4 days – that’s more than what the original show got in an entire month! MrBeast is a YouTuber who is known for his crazy challenges and his insane cash prizes. So if anyone would be able to recreate Squid Game, it’s him. But is it accurate to the actual show?

In this video, we talk about 067 aka Camilla Araujo, Kang Sae-Byeok, and MrBeast spending 3 million to remake Hwang Dong-hyuk’s Squid Game on Netflix. We basically point out 10 differences between MrBeast’s Squid Game and Netflix’s Squid Game. These are things you probably didn’t notice in MrBeast Squid Game that are comparable to the original.

#NetflixSquidGame #MrBeastSquidGame

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