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Can you hear that, social media users?

Stop and listen closely.

It’s the sound of sirens, and it’s coming directly for Amy Slaton.

Indeed, the parental police are out in full force and they’ve apparently set their sights on this 1000-Lb Sisters cast member.

Amy Slaton
Amy Slaton has two kids. She is seen here holding one of them. (Instagram)

“Lunchtime with my handsome boys!!! [#Floridabound],” the TLC personalitycaptioned an Instagram video post on Monday, June 19.

Seems simple and harmless enough, right?

Cut to footage of kids Gage and Glenn sitting in high chairs while eating at a restaurant.

Slaton then showed off the plate of fried chicken and French fries that her children were munching on, wearing matching happy-face T-shirts.

Take a look for yourself here. Pretty basic and common fare for a two-year old and a nearly one-year old, right?


Wrong, according to the judgmental haters across the Internet.

“You are feeding those babies that food … what are you doing?” one straner asked Amy.

“Road to unhealthy,” another added.

“They so young to be eating crap instead of fruits, etc [sic],” a third user chimed in.

Amy Slaton is a single mother now. She’s doing the absolute best she can. (Instagram)

This is, of course, objectively ridiculous commentary.

Yes, Amy Slaton has battled weight issues over the years. Yes, she should maybe be more cautious than the average mother when it comes to caloric intake for her kids due to the genes she has likely passed along.

But go ahead and find us the toddler who is just eating fruits and vegetables.

Find us the parent who is not feeding his or her young son chicken fingers and/or french fries.

Amy Slaton is proud of her body as of June 2023. As she should be! (Instagram)

Thankfully, plenty of supporters rushed to Slaton’s side in the face of these harsh remarks.

“If any other mom posted this video, people wouldn’t bat an eye,” one individual wrote, adding:

“These comments disgust me. Leave this poor woman alone. It’s her damn kids, she can feed them whatever she wants.”

Slaton is clearly an affectionate and caring mother.

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Amy Slaton is under some fire for photos such as these. She keeps using filters with her kids. (Instagram)

Sadly, however, she keeps getting dragged by people who have never met her.

Earlier this month, Slaton posted an adorable picture of Glenn for his 11-month milestone via Instagram, adding a filter that elongated his eyelashes, brightened his lips and smoothed his skin.

“A filter for a child, why?” one commenter challenged, while a second chimed in as follows:

“Stop putting filters on babies, they don’t need them.”

From high school sweethearts… to parents of two sons… to a divorce. It’s all over for Amy Slaton and Michael. (Instagram)

These are harsh and unnecessary critiques for any parent in any situation.

But Slaton is going through an ugly and painful divorce these days.

She’s effectively a single mother doing the very best she can.

Please, can we give her a break, you guys?


Amy Slaton Gets Attacked by Parenting Police, Slammed for Giving Sons … was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.

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